

About Me
I started eating mostly vegan food about five years ago, and since then I've been on a bit of a mission to provide myself and the people I love with delicious food from sources that I can feel good about. When I first became a vegetarian I was living in North Carolina. Finding a satisfying, well-rounded meal at a restaurant (and on a budget) was an incredibly difficult--oftentimes impossible--mission. Having always been a lover of food (and eating in general), this led me to delve into the world of vegan cooking somewhat full force.

About the Blog
I am starting this blog to share my own experiences with eating vegan. My background is by no means a culinary one, so if some of my suggestions are a bit backwards or bizarre, however, it's likely something I've come up with through my own trial and error in the kitchen.

Many people in my life these days are trying to give real consideration to what they are eating and where those ingredients are coming from. It's a very important part of my own decisions regarding food. I'd like to share some of my favorite recipes made with thoughtfully sourced ingredients.

I wish I had enough original recipes to fill a regular blog, and perhaps some day I will. For now, however, I'd like to share recipes I try from a variety of sources, whether they are my own development or something else I've wandered across. So I'll use this as a bit of a discussion space, including full versions of my own recipes, and references to many others, as well as any other tips and tricks I may have to offer in the food-related realm. After all, my main goal is to provide as many healthy, yummy vegan dining options as I can!

I hope you enjoy...!

About the Photos
All of the photos you see on my pages were taken by me.

For those of you interested in the technical details, I shoot most of my photographs with a Nikon D80 (that's a digital single lens reflex camera). I generally use fixed lenses; my two favorites for food photography are my Nikkor 55mm f/2.8 macro and my 35mm f/1.2. Occasionally, some shots from my Fujifilm X10 or even my iPhone make it onto my pages as well.